400 West Route 38
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(856) 252-0300
Nachos Encarnacion Skirt Steak Nachos
From the Menu: Refried Beans, Queso Mixto, Chile De Arbol, Crema, Cilantro
Price: $15.00
When one walks into Distrito one is greeted by a literal wall of Lucha Libra masks. This would undoubtedly be sign from the nacho gods that you are about to embark on a wonderful journey. As the hostess walks you to your table you can feel the energy in the air that the decor has created. However, each Lucha Libra mask feels like their eyeless openings are watching you. Possibly judging you and your weak muscles and your lack of nacho blog updates. Even though you made a New Year's Resolution to write more reviews and not let your readers down, life get's in the way.
Or that could just be me.
So, I made the waitress feel completely uncomfortable as I stared at the nachos seductively heading towards my table. Please note that the nachos were being seductive, I was not staring seductively. I need this to be documented.
But, I could feel the sides of my mouth raise up and the saliva glands in my mouth get to work. These looked good. Really good. Like "someone-back-in-the-kitchen-actually-cares" good.

Even though I was with a group of people (let's call them my family) and normally would slap any hands that reach in for just a taste of nachos, I actually welcomed everyone to try a bite. Why would I do such a thing? Simple. My heart was overwhelmed with the warmth of a loving atmosphere created by my family. I wanted everyone sitting around the table to experience the joy and passion I was feeling in my heart.
Of course I could feel the burning sensation of 200 sets of empty, darkened, soulless eyes from the Lucha Libre masks bearing down on me like a firing squad. Judging me once again.
Nachos are meant to be shared. I know this now.
The queso mixto was right on point - tasty and abundant. It completely smothered the entire visible surface of the platter like Hannibal Lecter wearing a face mask - but made of queso. The cheese did manage to permeate through the entire platter, but not to the degree I would've liked to experience. The steak was cooked appropriately and was tender enough to be completely devoured. I generally love steak but typically do not order it on nachos. I have been unexpectedly "burnt" before by eating a disgusting piece of gristle or chewy fat that will ruin the nacho experience for me. I've seen nachos go uneaten because of this unfortunate development. Don't let it happen to you too.
The chile de arbol, crema, cilantro, refried beans, and jalapenos all played a role to make this nacho platter a cohesive and delicious one. The comfort of the steak and mixto queso was juxtaposed against the chile de arbol and jalapenos, and then again against the crema and refried beans. All these wonderfully different flavors were working together to remind me once again that I enjoy nachos.
- Presentation: 9
- Assembly: 6
- Originality: 7
- Value: 8
- Taste: 9
- Overall: 7.8