Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mad Mex

Mad Mex (take-out)
3401 Walnut St

Philadlephia, PA 19104
(215) 382-2221

Nachos Grande

A nearly unassailable chip mountain with cheese, jalapeƱo peppers, black beans, guacamole, salsa and sour cream. Add chicken, steak or taco beef for $1.95.

Price: $8.50

Once a year I purposely deprive myself of sleep for as long as possible, sit in an moderately uncomfortable chair, and watch ridiculously bad movies all in the name of fun. During the Exhumed 24 Hour Horror-thon held each October (more on this much delayed review later) my friends and I put on our most comfortable big-boy pants (of the sweat variety) and watch delightfully awful cinema for as long as humanly possible. We willingly deprive ourselves of such necessities as sunlight, clean air, unblemished underwear, nutrition, and state minimum personal welfare. Hence, my late night dinner (or maybe early morning breakfast) nachos hand delivered to me by my cinema cohorts.

Perfect for the entire family. Or me.

These nachos were not great. They weren't pretty. They weren't even warm. I suppose that is to be expected while eating take-out, on wire patio furniture, outdoors at an unknown hour, in late October. However, the one thing these nachos did do extremely well was fill the dietary hole in my stomach. The sheer mass of nacho ingredients outfitted in this tin was ungovernable. It was like a nacho cinder block. Even though these nachos were middle-of-the-road and mainstream I can certainly appreciate the quantity over quality attitude. At that moment, when I simply needed mass over substance, these nachos were there for me. I ate and I ate. Then I ate some more. Then there was a long period of time I don't remember and here we are today!  

So, as far as the delayed posting of this nacho feast I simply blame sleep deprivation and hysteria. It wasn't until this week that I stumbled upon these old camera pics that led to the flashbacks of congealed cheese, cramped knees and my renewed love of Tom Atkins in Halloween III: Season of the Witch.

  • Presentation:4
  • Assembly: 6
  • Uniqueness: 3
  • Value: 5
  • Taste: 5
  • Overall: 4.6

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